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Civil Engineering tender opportunities

In the past 3 months, 15822 Civil Engineering related tender opportunities have been added to tracker.

You can view extracts of these contracts listed below. For full details of these opportunities and to further refine your contract search, log-in or sign up today for a free trial of Tracker.

Search results for Civil Engineering related tender opportunities in :

Publication Date Title and Description Country Notice Type

Northern Active Travel Paths

United Kingdom notice

Zone 4 & 5, Block E & F, Conductor Rail, Safety Fence & LV Cabling for AERTG

United Kingdom notice

Commercial Centre of Excellence Services

United Kingdom award

Sandend to Findlater Castle - Coastal Path

United Kingdom award

PQ0123 - Excess Soil Removal

United Kingdom notice

Further Competition Contractors Framework St Peters Fields & Lido Park, Droitwich - Footpath & Bridge Works

United Kingdom award

Consulting Engineering Services

Canada award

L24048-T-SG - Civils works and maintenance Framework contract

United Kingdom notice

Travaux pour la création de la Maison de Roquefort à Roquefort-sur-Soulzon et de ses aménagements annexes - LOTS 02 à 11 - RELANCE LOTS 02-03-05-11

France notice

Budowa i rozbudowa infrastruktury drogowej w Opolu.

Poland award

Proiectare, asistenta tehnica din partea proiectantului si executia de lucrari pentru obiectivul de investitii „Construire sala de sport polivalenta in Municipiul Slobozia, str. Polivalenta nr. 5, jud. Ialomita”

Romania award

Accord-cadre multi-attributaire à marchés subséquents pour des missions de maîtrise d’œuvre relatives aux travaux sur les infrastructures et réseaux d’assainissement de LEMA

France notice

Executie de lucrari pentru obiectivul de investitii “Extindere Centru Social Pastoral “Sfanta Cruce” Caraiman (D1+D2+D3+P+E1+E2), Str. Palanca nr. 24, oras Busteni, Judetul Prahova”

Romania award

Acquisition de 2 engins de damage neuf

France notice

Vízműtelep fejlesztése

Hungary award

Accords-cadres multi-attributaires pour des opérations de travaux de réhabilitation, de gros entretien renouvellement de restaurants collectifs situés dans la zone 2 : Rhône Alpes/Grand Est - Travaux de rénovation et de gros entretien en multi corps d'état techniques TCE

France notice

Accords-cadres multi-attributaires pour des opérations de travaux de réhabilitation, de gros entretien renouvellement de restaurants collectifs situés dans la zone 5 : ATLANTIQUE

France notice

Przedmiotem zamówienia jest dostawa 2 szt. oczyszczarek lotniskowych dla Portu Lotniczego Poznań – Ławica Sp. z o.o.

Poland notice

Dokumentacja techniczna i budowa budynków szkoły podstawowej, hali sportowej i przedszkola z urządzeniami budowlanymi i zagospodarowaniem terenu w Julianowie w formule zaprojektuj i wybuduj w ramach zadania inwestycyjnego pn.: „Szkoła w Julianowie wraz z zagospodarowaniem terenu”

Poland notice

Извършване на строежи, ремонтни и строително-монтажни работи на инфраструктура на територията на община Бяла, област Варна“ по две обособени позиции

Bulgaria notice
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