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Medical, health and social work supplies/services tender opportunities

In the past 3 months, 58834 Medical, health and social work supplies/services related tender opportunities have been added to tracker.

You can view extracts of these contracts listed below. For full details of these opportunities and to further refine your contract search, log-in or sign up today for a free trial of Tracker.

Search results for Medical, health and social work supplies/services related tender opportunities in :

Publication Date Title and Description Country Notice Type

UK-London: Building and facilities management services.

United Kingdom notice

Opening of Financial Proposal of Goods for Medical/Medicine/Equipment at Morang

Nepal notice

Bidding for the purchase of 1 blood bank (Blood bank) via electronic bidding. (e-bidding) (Project number: 67049386636)

Thailand notice

Bidding for the purchase of 1 Acoustic Sound Imaging for Ultrasound unit according to the plan to support the operations of phases 3-5 of EGAT 3 for the year 2024 by means of electronic bidding. (e-bidding) (Project Number: 67049095108)

Thailand notice

Romania Surgical sutures Acord cadru de Furnizarea de consumabile medicale fire de sutura necesare INSTITUTULUI NAIONAL PENTRU SNTATEA MAMEI I COPILULUI ALESSANDRESCU- RUSESCU BUCURETI

Romania notice

Electronic Auction - Acquisition of Medicine to comply with a Court Order.

Brazil notice

Notice of restricted call for tenders N DNCMP 473 F 2023-2024 relating to the supply and installation of bio-medical devices and equipment intended for the NATWE TURASHOBOYE DE KARUSI Cinquantenaire Hospital

Burundi notice

Croatia Pharmaceutical products Jednogodinja nabava lijekova - infuzijske otopine

Croatia notice

Austria Health and social work services Wirksam Wachsen 2 Vorbereitung und Umsetzung der Skalierung von Projekten zur Armutsbekmpfung und Frderung sozialer Inklusion insbesondere von Kindern und Jugendlichen

Austria notice

Germany CT scanners hochauflsendes Mikro-CT System

Germany notice

Romania Various medicinal products Acord cadru pentru Diverse medicamente pentru uz uman

Romania notice

Spain Medical consumables Contratacin del suministro de material fungible de quirfano y anestesia con destino los Hospitales de FREMAP Mutua colaboradora con la Seguridad Social N61

Spain notice

Poland Miscellaneous medical devices and products Dostawa pozostaych materiaw medycznych Zad1 - Rolki do przenoszenia pacjenta dla Zakadu Diagnostyki Obrazowej SSW

Poland notice

Romania Repair and maintenance services of medical and precision equipment Servicii de reparare i ntreinere a echipamentelor medicale

Romania notice

Purchasing medications. For the needs of military unit 7552 NG RK. Almaty city

Kazakhstan notice

Spain Medical consumables Contratacin del suministro de los productos y equipos necesarios para la realizacin de citologas lquidas en el departamento de salud de la Plana

Spain notice

Poland Medical consumables Zakup i dostawa sprztu medycznego jednorazowego uytku wkady do podawania kontrastw na biece potrzeby Uniwersyteckiego Szpitala Klinicznego w Opolu

Poland notice

Amoxicillin+clavulanic acid powder for oral suspension 200 mg/28.5 mg/5 ml, Amoxicillin (Amoxicillin) powder d/or. sop. 500 mg/5 ml of 60 ml (12 g) in vial, Amoxicillin (Amoxicillin) powder d/or. sop. 125 mg/5 ml per 60 ml (5.1 g) bottle.

Ukraine notice


India notice

Medical services provided to the population

Kazakhstan notice
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