How to Win Security Contracts - UK

With so many new valuable security contracts becoming available, it’s important to know how to win security contracts in the UK if you want your business to benefit from these lucrative contracts.

Tracker offers helpful insights into the process, as well as how our procurement tools can help you find, bid for, and win more security tenders in the public sector.

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What are Security Contracts?

Public security contracts, or security tenders, are issued when public sector buyers (e.g. government organisations or local authorities) need security-related services and technology. They will publish a contract notice, which suppliers will bid on to try and win that work.

Security contracts can include services such as manned guarding, high visibility patrol services, CCTV monitoring, event security, and access control. Due to the size of the sector, the specifications for any security tender can be quite complex, which is why it is important to ensure you understand what services are needed and how to get security tenders.

Types of Security Contracts

Security contracts for tender in the UK can take on many shapes and forms as public security sectors adapt to cover different risks in the market and keep people & sites safe and secure. Consequently, there is a regular stream of new tenders being published offering lucrative new business opportunities to suppliers like you who are hoping to win a piece of this marketplace.

The 3 key areas within public security sectors include:

  1. Surveillance – This form of procurement covers various sub-sectors, including security services, guard services, surveillance equipment & services, alarm services, access control systems.

  2. Manned Security – Acting as a form of access control, this type of procurement includes sub-sectors such as security guard services, reception and concierge services, and event security.

  3. Cyber Security – With demand increasing, this is a growing form of procurement with sub-sectors including cloud, network, critical infrastructure, and application security.

Whether you’re searching for manned security tenders or security equipment tenders, Tracker’s procurement tools can help you find security contracts that are right for your business. Sign up for a free 3-day trial today to see for yourself.

Security Contract Opportunities in the UK

UK security tenders present a lucrative and dynamic market for suppliers.

With a strong emphasis being placed on security and protection across multiple sectors, and the demand for security services and solutions growing, winning contracts in security has never been more appealing. Winning work with public contracting authorities such the NHS, public educational institutions, and the Ministry of Defence can be extremely lucrative and rewarding for your business, when it comes to profits and building credibility.

Tracker can connect you with the security contracts in the United Kingdom that are best suited for your services, saving you time and resources.

Contact us for a free 3-day Tracker trial or to book a free virtual demo and try it out for yourself.

The Procurement Process for Security Tenders

When public buyers need security services, they will publish a contract notice that invites suppliers in the public and private security industry to tender for the contract. Suppliers will first view the contract’s job criteria and scope (which is outlined in the tender documentation) before submitting a response.

This allows suppliers to first determine whether or not their company has the resources and expertise to fulfil the contract requirements.

The contract notice will also state which procurement procedure will be used during this process. Four main procedures are regularly used for higher-value contracts, the two most common being Open Procedures and Restricted Procedures. The type of procedure used will determine how the procurement process will take place.

Weighing various factors such as quality, experience, time frames, price, social value, and even diversity policies will ultimately determine who wins the bid.

Get help finding free security tenders in the UK with Tracker — Sign up for a free trial today.

Challenges when Tendering for Security Contracts

Public sector organisations regularly outsource security services as a way of utilising the expertise, experience, and resources that professional security companies offer. However, this increase in opportunity brings its own set of challenges.

Not only is there heavy competition, but also greater emphasis on the importance of your abilities and experience matching the requirements of the contracts you are tendering for.

Another challenge is ensuring that your company is properly qualified. Without the right qualifications and experience, you may not be able to compete in the security sector. The biggest challenge comes with demonstrating to buyers how you can match up to the larger security companies you are competing against. A good way to do this is by developing security solutions that will offer buyers the savings and efficiencies they are looking for.

How to Win Security Contracts

Due to the highly competitive nature of the public security sector, winning security contracts can be difficult. Before submitting a bid, it is important to make sure you understand the buyer’s needs and objectives as this will provide your company with an advantage.

Below are some best practices you should follow when tendering for security sector contracts. Following these will increase your chances of winning security sector contracts in this highly competitive sector:

1. Know Your Competition

When you bid on government security tenders, knowing who you are up against can play a key role in whether or not you win the tender.

Knowing your competition can provide you with valuable insights that can aid you in strategic decision-making, bid preparation, pricing strategy, and more.

Tracker offers procurement tools such as Spend Analysis, which allows you to see who your competitors are winning business with, and Archive Data, which gives you access to historical tender data, helping you understand how others achieved tender success.

2. Understand Your Market

Understanding your market is vital because it allows you to tailor your approach when bidding on public and private company security tenders online. This helps you assess the market landscape and make strategic decisions.

Tracker’s Market Intelligence tool allows you to track the competitor landscape in public security sectors to help you discover new potential markets.

3. Engage with the Buyer Early

Early engagement with buyers is crucial to having a proactive approach when tendering for contracts within the security sector. Engaging early allows you to ask questions and find out more about what the contracting authorities are looking for and what the tender requires, which can help you prepare a stronger tender submission.

You should always try and visit the site or sites you will be working on if possible. This allows you to submit a tender response that is more relevant and specific to the buyer’s needs.

4. Write a Submission that Stands Out

Buyers are expecting a well thought out and well written bid response that captures their attention, which is why it is important to submit a superior tender response.

Even if the quality section of your response is weighted less than cost, buyers will still be looking for clear and concise writing that is error free.

For a greater chance of tendering success, ensure your security services tender response is clear and concise while being assertive and persuasive rather than descriptive. Be sure to also stay as close to the word or page count as possible.

5. Health & Safety

As a security company, one of your primary concerns is to minimise risk. Buyers want to be confident that the security services your company provides will be carried out using the highest safety standards and will minimise any risk to your employees, their employees, as well as the general public.

There are numerous ways you can reassure buyers that your company takes health and safety seriously and that you have the appropriate systems in place to protect everyone involved. You could present your Health and Safety policy, risk assessments, and other certifications from reputable organisations such as the British Security Industry Association (BSIA) to the buyer.

6. Quality Control

Companies looking to bid on security tenders have to ensure they are compliant with several rules and regulations in order to bid successfully.

One of the most important things needed is quality assurance accreditation with the Security Industry Authority (SIA). In order to be accredited, security companies must have the necessary systems and processes in place for quality assurance.

Companies must be registered with SIA Approved Contractor Scheme. Being registered proves that your business meets specific standards for management and operations, showing potential buyers that you are capable of providing a high level of service.

7. Added Value

When tendering for security contracts or tender opportunities, it is essential to provide evidence on how your company can offer a secure solution that will bring extra value for money.

Before submitting your security tender bid proposal, examine all its aspects to ensure it answers all the questions asked in the tender documents and meets the award criteria set out in the tender documents. This way, you have greater chances of your bid being successful.

Request a free personalised demo to see how Tracker can help you find security contracts that are right for your company.

Tracker - Industry-Leading Procurement Tools & Service

With Tracker, you get access to all the latest security contracts that are right for your business

We publish more contract and award notices than any other service in Europe and offer market leading features and tools, so your company will always have the competitive edge when it comes to finding, bidding on, and winning security contracts.

Let us support you through the tendering process

Tracker can also connect you to a procurement consultant who can help you refine your procurement process. From preparing your tender submission to general tendering support, we will work closely with you and your business to ensure you start seeing results.

Now that you’ve learned how to win security contracts in the UK, view our packages and sign up to start finding new opportunities for your business.

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