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Provision of Design and Build Services for a modern and secure LAN, WLAN infrastructure for the Campus, Halls of Residence, and Data Centre using a capital funded refresh approach.

This is a preview of contract award: Provision of Design and Build Services for a modern and secure LAN, WLAN infrastructure for the Campus, Halls of Residence, and Data Centre using a capital funded refresh approach. that was published on May 1, 2024. To gain full access you will need to login or start your FREE trial.

Title: Provision of Design and Build Services for a modern and secure LAN, WLAN infrastructure for the Campus, Halls of Residence, and Data Centre using a capital funded refresh approach.

The University of Southampton has a vision to be a top 10 UK university and digital services are considered to be an enabler in assisting the University to achieve this goal. A high capacity, high availability network that is secure and is architected in ...

Published Date: May 1, 2024

Industry Sector: IT equipment, systems and services