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Bidding for activity 1: Develop cyber operational process capabilities according to international standards. of the critical information infrastructure agency (Lead Implementer Lead Auditor) by means of electronic bidding (e-bidding) (Project number: 67049057178)

This is a preview of contract notice: Bidding for activity 1: Develop cyber operational process capabilities according to international standards. of the critical information infrastructure agency (Lead Implementer Lead Auditor) by means of electronic bidding (e-bidding) (Project number: 67049057178) that was published on April 18, 2024. To gain full access you will need to login or start your FREE trial.

Title: Bidding for activity 1: Develop cyber operational process capabilities according to international standards. of the critical information infrastructure agency (Lead Implementer Lead Auditor) by means of electronic bidding (e-bidding) (Project number: 67049057178)

Bidding for activity 1: Develop cyber operational process capabilities according to international standards. of the critical information infrastructure agency (Lead Implementer Lead Auditor) by means of electronic bidding (e-bidding) (Project number: 6704...

Published Date: April 18, 2024

Industry Sector: Defence, security and emergency services/supplies